Trinity United Methodist Church - Pomona, California
Trinity UMC is a loving, diverse, Christ-centered community in the heart of Pomona, California. Our desire is to grow, share, and serve the compassionate love of God through worship, service, fellowship, and community partnerships.
Our doors are open for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM (English) & 10:30 AM (Vietnamese).​
ONLINE SERVICE | Join us each week online via Zoom for worship, Bible study, and fellowship. Please contact the Church Office
for the Zoom links.
We are a multi-generational group of people who love God and love others. We thank God for the heart and spiritual minds that enable us to reach out to the community, nation, and world through missional giving, as well as doing what we can locally--through gift card programs and partnering with our local outreach groups.
We were established in 1876 as First Methodist Episcopal Church, being the first denomination to form a congregation and build a church in Pomona, CA. The current sanctuary, built in the 1950's with the 45 rank Abbott and Sieker pipe organ, the Baldwin grand piano, and its magnificent stained glass windows, offers one of the finest settings for worship in the Inland Valley. All are welcome to learn about God and fellowship with others. Our desire is to not only hear the word of God, but live our lives according to the ways Jesus did. We encourage you to find a place to feel connected, reach out and seek support as you need, and do not be afraid to meet new people. Together, we are able to do abundantly more than imaginable. However, with God, all things are possible, and we hope you find a home here at Trinity.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2942
Pomona, CA 91769
Physical Address
676 N. Gibbs Street
Pomona, CA 91767
All Mail and Correspondence must be sent to the PO Box address listed above, thank you!
Office: (909) 629-9748
Email: churchtumc@verizon.net​
THANK YOU for your donations, gifts, tithes, and offerings that continue to multiply and help fulfill the mission of TUMC Pomona. Because of YOU...we are able.
There are several ways for you to continue your givings to God through TUMC, and those options include:
(1) By Mail: Send in by check, money order with your weekly/monthly/annual pledge and offering to: TUMC Pomona P.O. Box 2942, Pomona, CA 91769-2942
(2) Online at www.tumcpomona.com website
*Click on the "Donations" tab
*Follow instructions as listed for your gifts and giving
*A confirmation email will be sent to you upon completion of your gift.
(3) Mobile/Cell phone GIVE PLUS+
*You do not have to download the app however, you may create your account and set-it up as you see fit OR
*Follow the instructions to "Give Now" without creating an account
*Complete instructions and donations via cell phone.
Thank you and God bless you richly for all you have given for the Lord.
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© TUMC 2021.